Monday, January 10, 2011

Bake-a-thon 2011: The Beginning

So here's the deal....ages ago in my life before kids (MLBK), I used to love to bake.  I've done it since I was a kid, which by no means indicates that I am any good at it.  I decided this year that since I've let my passions and hobbies fall by the wayside since the kidlets came along, that I needed to have a project to reignite the flame.

My project for this year is "Bake-a-thon 2011".  The goal: bake one new recipe (meaning one I've never made before) each week, for a total of 52 new recipes this year.  The rules: recipes have to be ones I've never made before, they can't just be mixes (so just making a Betty Crocker cake doesn't count), but they can contain mixes (so a recipe that calls for a Betty Crocker cake mix as an ingredient still counts).

I plan on sharing the recipes here, along with my own commentary on the results.  If I've found the recipe from a source other than my own box, I'll give you a link to the original page (if one exists).

So Happy Baking!

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